Which Water Softener Do I Need?

Every water softener works in exactly the same way, by removing the magnesium and calcium in your water through a process called ion exchange. Some water softeners are powered by electric and others by water pressure. 

Nexus water softeners are powered by battery or mains power, this is normal and the majority or softeners sold in the world are electrical power. Your washing machine uses electricity doesn't it?

The Energy Saving Trust states the average UK home uses 142 litres of water per person per day. Therefore with a so called premium brand water softener in a very hard water area, and 4 people in the home, the premium brand water softener would exhaust it's capacity every day. Whereas a Nexus water softener would provide soft water for over 3.25 days. Just because it's called a premium brand softener doesn't mean it's an efficient water softener. 

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